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Most Consecutive Post

Post by Falker »

Most Consecutive Post

Can we have a contest here for the most consecutive post in a roll…… Cuz I think I just won :P

Whoa ,… try and beat that. !

Well ya never know…. Steel just might close this place down if your all going to be so quiet like this. If you’ve been paying attention , the original RLG form is quite quiet , and has been for a few months now. So spark it up or pack it up is what I say :P You never know when these could be our last words.

We were saying put a fork in it last year when M$ relinquished control of MW to the X-Box , and we were all hoping that there just might be a MW 5 for PC someday. I guess that never happened eh. Oh well. You can still come here and chat in the forum or hop on coms with some old friends from time to time.

If we need a new XO or something along those lines to keep the units interest and moral , then just speak up. I’ve always been a qualified XO from back in the day. I’ve also been trying to come up with interesting games that might interest a MW here in the forum . I’ve been trying to post at least something even tho half the time it doesn’t mean anything. But I’m posting.

I saw the end of ELH long ago when the com talkers excluded the rest of the unit from normal group gatherings . That’s why I got PO’d at Pain and Tink .. Crick . Just because your a good talker , does not make you a good gamer or even a dedicated unit member. At least half of the computer gaming players out there just want to type something and say “ hey , what’s up “ and then get to battle stations with out listing to other peoples dreary voices rambling on through their desk top speakers. If it was tight “ like Lancer said he’s unit is “ , .. then that would be okay fine by me. But cussing all the time “ like Hondo did “ and acting like an unprofessional member on an Elite unit , makes me not want to even bother to try and fit in with that kind of crowd . Bronstomp was a professional. Even tho he bitched allot at times. He was still looking out for the units best interest. I miss that kind of leadership dedication.

Well this sounds like it might be my last words eh ? :P

Well maybe it is… Before I go,.. let me say why I think GDL AND ELH don’t mesh. And if there ever was a mistake that Bronstomp made it was to allow GDL to come in here and make a mockery of this unit.

That’s because GDL wants to act like a bunch of tough guys , who have more talk then game play.

While on the other hand .. ELH “ the Elite “ want to act more professional and do things by the number.

No disrespect towards you Crick .. you’ve always been a buddy of mine from GDL and are an easy fellow to get along with.

I also like Slam and think he would have made a better XO then a CO. But he got damn close to being a good CO in my book. Not to mention he’s an ace on coms and treats every buddy fairly. There’s just that one incident where he decided to play a amusing game with me on coms with Buff . That made me fell uncomfortable. I knew I was being set up…. Then BH got on comms and every thing was quiet and back to normal. ( Thanks for the friendly back-up BH :P )

During that time ,.. Hondo came in and didn’t peep a word. then BH finally left for the night on comms ,.. and all hell broke loose after that all of a sudden ! Hondo said FALKER!! GEEEAT OUT OF HERrrEee !! ..... like a dang old mean Okie Hillbilly . It was as if I uncovered his moonshine nest .

Well … if that wasn’t disturbing enough.. Everyone else … every so called buddy and team mate of mine , every so called Elite member of mine obeyed Hondo’s words and just ran sacked me. There must have been at least 5 of them including Hondo. They attacked me… time after time ,, and re-spawn after re-spawn time and time again. My Elite team turned on me all because I said we should up-hold the protocol of ELH and try to make an impression for this unit ,.. as if we were Elite.

Well sure I can be an asshole too. I’m sure every buddy here can. I could have said F*ck you too ! …. cussed them all out and stuck up for myself on comms , but Man … I’m not here to make a bitch and fight with my team members. I only come here to play games and have fun. That’s what the whole idea is right ? When I think of being an ELH member , I think of being Elite. That’s the way ELH was back in the day before GDL came in here looking for a new place to hang out. That’s the way it was in the Battle Tech Books , and That’s the way it should be presented here.

If anyone here wants to have a friendly group gathering at another forum or someplace or become part a respectable game playing team then fill me in too. I’m actually a cool guy once you get to know me. I’ll come back here in a week or so to see what’s up. I’f it’s dead here… then I’ll relinquish the ELH uniform that General Bronstomp gave me and move on.

In closing: Just because I’m not fond of boarder hoppers and jackpot babies , does not make me a racial person. Also , .. just because I choose to be a Conservative Republican , does not make me a bad person.

Best Regards

Lt. ELH Falker

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Post by BlackHawk*K »


an interesting post as always :P

there are alot of things thats happened to make this ELH fade as it has. to be quite honest with you, after all the years of my unbound optimism, i think trying to reserect this beast is literaly beating a dead horse with a broken stick.

i realy think we are just spoiled Falker, simply becuse we were apart of something super special for so long. i mean i have been around and i havnt found anything like it since. Only the 151 seemed to have kept some of the spirit of what ELH was all about.

After Crow left ELH, Bronurstomp forged it into a tight knit unit. with deticated members who would do anything for the ELH name. When low and behold, i decided to step down and disband CDS. Those woulderfull members who were dedicated to me, ( even with all my previous screwups ) and myself proposed to join ELH and turned the 6 active member ELH unit into something more. That could of been a disaster realy. but Bron let it be known he was in charge from the get go. we talked about it before i even mentioned disbanding. and he agreed to at least listen to what i would have to say. the whole thing worked out great. For the most part. most ppl from both groups accepted each other. With that, the team work, and the ideals carried on.

When GDL joined. There were just too many conflicting goals and ideals. like you said. i dont think GDL was so much 'tough guys' but i can see how it could be seen that way. there was alot of smack taking from the GDL before they disbanded. but to be honest. that was part of the fun fighting them :) i mean it was a blast " you hear what those girly doll leaguon said!?! lets go kicik their ass! " hehe i think ELH of old owes a thanks to GDL and the way they were. in part they were the competing unit that drove us to become in alot of ways what we were.

with all the rucuss that happened to GDL and ELH drove alot of members away from after we joined togather. the unit was down to about 13 active members and some of them were begining to be not so active. so i understood why Slam to choose to enlist HS to join us. my personal opnion was that we never healed from what happened within the ranks with GDL. and with the new members from HS. we simply lost who we were.

The thing to remember though is this, what shot ELH down was simply ppl chose not to show up anymore. some for RL reasons. some for other reasons. ELH could of worked out even with the beating it took. the changes and growing pains. but we chose to move on. it took me a LONG time to make that choice. but in the end i did i guess. part of it was that the game chose for me, and wouldnt play on my system for so long. even today its iffy at best when and how it will work. MW5 would of been something that could of saved us as we were. but MS took that away as well. i realized the folly of trying to find another game for us a long time ago. mostly becuse i realized the ONLY thing that bound most of us to gather was mechwarrior.

The main reason i show up here on the forums is to keep track of friends that ive gotten along the way. see whats up wtih who ever decide to post etc. ELH was one of the biggest growing experiences for me, ive met all kinds of ppl. learned new things. and it forced me to relaize and learn new things. One of the biggest things ive learned walking away from the 'ELH experiance' was that life is too short to hold a grudge and and that ppl CAN work togather, no matter how different they are, IF they want to.
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Tach Deneva
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Post by Tach Deneva »

Shucks, I guess I must have come along after the Glory Days - there are are a lot of the original ELH folks I haven't even met - but even so, the ELH I joined back in December of 2002 is the best danged online team I've ever been part of.


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Post by GlasgowCelts »

Nice posts guys, so many great memories of the times in here. I just read through some of the old BTech stories in the Saloon. Those days were a blast.

Ive been lucky in the teams and ppl I have known in online gaming. ELH was the first and for me you guys will always be friends. We shared alot of time and talk together over a long period of time. I miss it alot.

I'd really like to speak to Killer and see how she is getting on, if anyone knows how I can contact her please let me know.

Cheers :wink:
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Post by BlackHawk*K »

Last time i heard Bronurstomp knows how to contact her. will try to get his email to you in PM.
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Post by Biobod »

Good post you and BH i miss the old days at kali with mw2, then mw3(even with all the bugs) and when kale basicaly whent down with mw4. I belive it was 1997 or something when I started playing with CDS under BH and Indian and remember playing alongside Bron with his ELH kicking some GDL butt and some kurita also(hehe). The ELH and CDS came tougheter and for me it was like coming home to family.
I still show up from time to time to c how everybody is doing and would try to play the game as time permits if it can be started again, i also understand that people get new things going or lost interest in the current mw4 so they stop playing or just go someplace else and lose contact.
I dont know maybe we will start playing again or whatever...but if anything try keeping in contact, you never know.
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Post by GlasgowCelts »

BlackHawk*K wrote:Last time i heard Bronurstomp knows how to contact her. will try to get his email to you in PM.

Thanks BH :salut:
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Post by Crickett »

:salut: All I still play MW4 & am on Sir Death's comms almost every day (thank you for keeping it going Sir Death & Thank YOU Steel for the web site!!!) not alot anyone could do to keep ELH going the intrest died & the bugs grew in the game. So what do I say I still check this page every day & post when I think it appropriate.


ps. if your are every in a mw game with me check the insigne on the side of my mech.(thank's Lancer)
Lt.Col.Crickett,acting CO.
71st. Light Horse
The White Horse Reg.

On any planet on any terrain in any climate,ELH will meet and defeat any enemy!!!
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Post by Firemane »

I'm in the same boat as you Tach. I was here a bit before you, but not during the MW2 & 3 days. I haven't been on any other teams but I simply haven't wanted to, I really enjoyed the drops I was involved in.

Crick- I tried comms a few times a couple weeks ago but always seemed to miss you. I'll try again when I can & maybe we can blow up some Mechs. The wife is getting the urge to start digging that bigger fish pond...
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Post by Featherhorse »

I'm still here.
I'll admit I haven't even fired up the PC at home since June, but I'm still here.

Diamond Shark, Hells Horses, ELH 21st regiment or 19th Cavalry.

I'm still here.

Games come and games go, true friends are forever.

I'm still here.

Kali, ICQ, and too many comms later...

I'm still here.

Where will I go, what will I play?
I dunno, I don't care.

I'm still here.
Why? Because I want to be.

Even though I dread Falker's rambling pointless (sometimes) posts, his post show that he is still here. BH's post on Renes' car, show he's still here. I think that to some extend, all the old wingmates are still here. In spirit of not in text.

I'm still here, and I will be till they turn the lights out on me.
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Post by Buffalo Six »

I'm still here also. I check the forums a lot, but just dont have much to say. I am just burnt out on Battletech. I have not played on a table since June and have not painted anything since that time either. Since October or so I've been clearing the skys of the dirty Jap in Pacific Fighters and doing a lot of flying in FS9 (MSFS2004) in my P51D and B29A. Currently doing a re-trace of the ferry route for the B29's to Tinian and Siapan. I'm trying to do it in real time and a 8 hour flight....well takes 8 hours :o I'm such a geek because there I am with a Kneeboard with all my checklists, my maps, my stopwatch for dead rekoning and 3 actual flight manuals laying about. Sort of interesting having to dodge the odd 777 above flight level 25 (25,000 ft) but I'm enjoying it and learning to have great respect for the guys who actally flew the real birds.

As far as painting goes, I am doing a set of 352nd Fighter Group P-51s (B, C and D's). The Blue Nose Bastards of Bodney were the 3rd or 4th highest scoring FG of the ETO. One of the guys I fly Pacific Fighters with is doing Bodney for adding into FS9, after he completes Raydon where the 353rd flew out of. They had the yellow and black checker nosed P-51s. If anyone is flying or is into FS9, and likes warbirds, I highly recommend the Wings of Power Heavy Bomber payware cd and their excellant P-51D/H package. I have been taking with a vetaren P51 pilot who flew the D model in airshows and air races for over 30 years and flew some legendary show planes like Bob Hoovers Rockwell International P51D. We are in the process of making a small ciriculem (training guide) for really getting into the P51 envelope and finding all she can do. This guy is a deep well of info and even though I have 2 actual P51D flight manuals, he is showing me things that blow my mind. It is really a shame I am such a sucky pilot, it almost embarasses me to fly in the same server as him somethimes.

Glas.....if your flying Pacific fighters, my squadrong has a UK flight that are really good chaps, like Lancer and crew. I'm sure they could find a F4u-1D for you.

That goes for anyone wanting to try your hand at clearing the skys of Tojo and crew. We fly 3 nights a week in a squadron style flight against the ingame AI (who are a tough challenge most of the time) in COOP missions made by our squad (and me). I'm now the Squadron training officer for the US side and I'm sure I can teach any of you to stick a carrier landing....even you Crick

My callsign is Hookecho and I fly with VMF346, the "Dirty Rotton Bastards"
our web page can be found at

Drop by sometime
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Tach Deneva
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Post by Tach Deneva »

Firemane wrote:I'm in the same boat as you Tach. I was here a bit before you, but not during the MW2 & 3 days.
My MW History by Tach Deneva (or, 'From Here to There, Eventually')

MW2 Mercs:

No League - [SOB] as WarBird (informal and very irreverent 'team' mostly poking fun at all the too serious folks - we had lotsa fun just goofing around - oh, and SOB doesn't mean what you think it means :wink:)

NBT - CFM, which later became JF (don't remember how or why) as WarBird (Pryde). Good bunch of guys. Worked my way up from Mechwarrior to Galaxy Commander of the Jade Falcon Galaxy (won bloodname because all three opponents overheated and blew up).

ADL - JF as WarBird (joined along with some NBT-JF team mates, very brief stay; I remember some guy who was a little too serious about the RP aspect, thinking he could boss his team mates around *outside the game*, which prompted me to have a very pleasant lil 'chat' with him).


Nothing that I can remember. No idea why I didn't play this online.

MW4 Vengeance:

ADL - May, 2001, joined Clan Coyote as Katharis. Barely remember it, mostly due to a few old emails.


Nothing, at least not that I remember.

MW4 Mercs:

? - joined some team that was very promising until the CO quit and the unit disbanded... can't find the relevant emails, but I remember a very good 'PPC lag shooting' practice session. Maybe 21st Centauri Lancers, not sure. Don't remember my callsign.

W!O - December, 2002, joined HH as Tach Deneva/WarHorse (only stayed a couple of days, team seemed very disorganized).

W!O/NBT - Mid-December, 2002, joined ELH as Tach Deneva. Still here, still ready to go whenever you guys are. :salut:

NBT - late November 2004, joined CapCon as Tach Deneva (mostly because of involvment with NBT-HC, but didn't stay long due to massive MW burn out, and never really felt like part of the team anyway due to ELH 'spoilage').

So... anybody remember me from way back when?

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Post by BlackHawk*K »

hehe Good outline Tach, and the answer is nope :P

the whole outline thing is a good idea. mine is fairly small... lets see.


Callsighn: Cheeno
Unit: Clan Phoenix
Location: MPlayer

Notes: learned all about mechwarrior there. The interesting this was, i got the mw2 demo on CD. thought ' cool' so i got the disk. i was a nervous wreck playing online the first time. and mistakenly shot a team mate. who then decided to leg me and while he went off to fight the bad guys. who whooped him and procedded to come over and blast me away. was very tramatic LOL. I then Fell into CP and they actualy spent a huge amount of time teaching me about lag shooting etc. great group of guys. it was a very loyal unit, with high standards in 'honor' meaning they cared a great deal on how others percieved them as players of the game. any other unit who tended to bad mouth CP without proof or reason was systematicly attacked when ever possible and dominated on the battle field. lead to some interesting game play and role play grudges to say the least. though some of the role play grudged did tend to flow into RL chat lol.

Callsighn: BlackHawk
Unit: Clan Diamond Shark.
Location: kali Gaming software.

Notes: as requested by the Khan of CP. a bunch of us went out to look for another league since the Mplayer leagues were feable at best in keeping up. we ran across the M3L ( mech 3 leauge) who was getting ready for Mech3 but beta testing their automated data base on NM95 for the time being. those of us who explored this was impressed with the setup but with one major problem. it was a battle tech only league. so the clan phoenix name was not allowed. Those of us who already paid for the Kali accounts were a bit disterbed about the leaderships stand on not even going under a different name as a part time thing. so we split off and founded clan Diamond shark within the M3L. There were about 5 of us who started this clan. all i can recall was Crom ( Khan ) Indian (saKhan ) and myself ( Star commander) and Pale horseman ( Galaxy commander)

after a time everyone left but me and indian. it was kinda pathetic in alot of ways, but me and indian had a hell of alot of fun. We made alliance with Clan ghost bear, who had a great leader by the name of T-Rex. We were often persecuted in matches. but slowly we learned and became quite effective as a team. ( being 2 of us that is lol ) Slowly we started to recruit.

Callsighn : BlackHawk
Unit: Clan Knight Raven
Location : Mpalyer

Notes: While leading CDS at a later date. a potential recruit came up asken me about CDS. At that Time CDS was pretty much a fun loveing group more of a club then a unit, our main focus was to have fun and enjoy ourselves. Winning and losing didnt mean anything as long as we won or lost the right way and with a laugh while we were at it. This recruit was intersted in a more Competitive unit with a good reputation. so rather then recruit him for CDS ( and i could have) i pointed him to CGB and off he went, his name was Jimwolf. he became a great warrior for CGB and i enjoyed many battles with him as the foe. he left M3L for some time and one day he shows up as VictorK. we chatted and i found out he had a clan back on Mplayer and was leader there. he was impressed that i would turn away a potiential warrior becuse i felt he wouldnt have enjoyed himself as much in CDS as CGB. We struck a bargin that we would share troops between CDS and CKR and help each other train etc. it worked out ok. although i feel even today that CDS got the better deal out of it.

Callsighn: BlackHawk*K
Unit: Eridani Light Horse
Location : Kali

Notes: After a Long leadership of CDS with a Loyal fallowing of fine warriors. I disbanded CDS. The main reason was, i was burnt out and no one else wanted to lead. Dealing with my own troops was a breeze simply becuse, well they were great. i couldnt of asked for a bunch of better ppl. it was troops like these that made my leadership of CDS a pleasure. ELH was our Merc unit we used in the M3L. For a long time it was lead by a fellow named Crow. but then Bronurstomp took over. Me and bronurstomp seemed to get along and we took to ELH like long lost brothers. after a Very close Final Conflict ( the Leading house and the leading Clan, along with their contracted merc unts fought a final battle every 3 months) and after CDS disbanded. i offered my services to Bron and a large number of CDS did as well. and off we went.

mw2 mercs
Completly bypassed this, even though i owned the 3dfx version and played for fun now and then...

Mechwarrior 3

same name same place ;)

for me MW3 was one of the most awsome games ever made. of course MS and micropose had to screw it up by makeing the code so easy to crack that eggs could of held up better... so it was hacked to hell pretty fast.
The lack of support and maps was very disturbing. IF Mw4 looked and acted more like mw3 and had the support of new maps and better multi player i would still be playing it. unfortunatly most of the time i feel like mw4 is kinda a cartoon version of it lol. dont ask me why.

Mechwarrior 4 series
Same merc channel, same merc outfit ;)

M3L shut down before mw4 came out. alot of us left on Kali played tribes as =Vengfull spirits= in a league for a bit. but we always had the old mechy heart beating under our rough shells. i played a few stints as HH , one on gamespy arcade, and another in SL with featherhorse and mince after ELH left the starleague. that was some good times even then. Of course alot of ppl might find the rest of the history of ELH on these forums in different areas. but most of you know it after SL went bust. we went into NBT before we left SL and its been a main staple to ELH for a long time.

anyhow thats about it, just a warning there is a certian old GB out there some where who once was jimwolf, then victorK and now goes by karmakanik the guy is a hell of a warrior and been around a long time. so if he is on the other team, dont turn you back on him ;)

damn brings back the old memories lol. thanks again tach for the idea.[/b]
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Post by Mooseman »

Here it goes. My first foray into online gaming was with Starcraft (a vintage RTS by the way!!)...played that with some guys i knew from school, but decided i wanted to get into a clan...wasn't good enough at Starcraft, as some of those players are freakishly good!! I'd picked up MW4 a couple of weeks previously, so i thought i'd check out the servers. I went on to a Wolf Dragoons server (can't remember whast league they were in or anything...something tells me it was the LBS league) where i met a few of their guys and another hopeful named Ghostdancer. Well time went on as my application was proccessed or whatever, and i was chatting to Ghostdancer on ICQ one day, and he told me he wasn't gonna join WD as their CO was a bit of an <insert expletive of choice here>, for various reasons. He told me he'd found another unit that seemed a lot more fun, and far easier to get along with, that being the i tagged along for the ride...Ghostdancer ultimately became Steel, so really i must thank him for all my online gaming success...(and blame him for getting me involved with the 151 - the horror!!).....for a while i was stuck with playing at 2am etc due to the time difference, but then Lancer, Wiz, Dek, Beo et al were brought in, and the 151 was born during the reshuffle. New members were added along the way.....some memorable ones to be sure....not going to talk about the sheep, drugs and cross-dressing....just let the record show that CAM and MD are two disturbed young men . After some mighty demolitions of opposing forces mw4 simply died a death for me and i think most of the others. Therefore we passed on to pastures new game wise. Ghost Recon was a staple for a long while, with us competing in a number of different co-op tourneys, and earning ourselves a fair reputation for being a good bunch of lads who won't take shit of anybody, in game or out. After a while though, apathy again set in somewhat so a new diversion was needed. So we have our current situation. Playing Planetside as the 151st Lighthorse, a Terran Republic outfit (where further members such as the insane doctor, Madbatty joined), that is the bane of the Vanu Sovereignty and the New Conglomerate, and playing World of Warcraft (recently) as the Knights of St. George.

So a somewhat convoluted journey downmemory lane, but it's 02:39am, i've just finished writing a presentation for tomorrow, and i thought i should reply to this post while i remembered...if anything is incorrect, i apologise, but hey, life is imperfect :)
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Post by GlasgowCelts »

Hi Buff. Thanks for the offer, right now I play only FreeHost Warbirds and Aces High. I love the WWII prop fighter sims, jets just dont do it for me :) Added to that, I usually prefer to fly the Focke-Wulfs and Messerschmits rather than Allied planes. When I first started in Wb 2 years ago, the squad I joined (with Malino) was Axis only, so ive kinda gotten used to those planes over the years.

My next branching out in flight sims will be IL2 which, by all accounts, is up there with the very best sims around.

As to the topic at hand:

Playing MW4 was my first ever experience in online gaming. I couldnt even think of a nick when Peeka decided I should try it out, so the first thing that came to mind, as always, was Celtic ;) Funny thing was, when Lancer offered me to join up with ELH, it was Peeka that was playing at the time. Lancer obviously noticed the chance to grab another Brit for the 151st - if only he had known lol.

After a few emails and chats with Killer, I was in the door. I remember my very first drop, about 2 days after I joined. I swear I have never been as nervous in my whole life. Peeka and my 2 nephews sat pissing themselves laughing as I dripped sweat all over the keyboard and shook so badly they thought I was having a seizure! Seriously! Well, kinda seriously :D

And then M$ decided to f*ck it all up as ever and made it completely arcadey and with more holes than a sieve. MW4 was fun, but it was being in ELH that made it fun for me. :salut:

Then I went to Wb, joined the squad Malino flies with (AFVS) and played around with a great bunch of guys for a year or so. Due to inactivity, a few of us moved over to a different squad, JG13, where I remain today. Im actually going over to Holland next month to meet up with a few of the guys from Wb. Guys I have met several times before and am good friends with, from places as far flung as Bulgaria to Brazil. Ive never net the Brazilian guy, but he is bringing his Brazilian GF so it should be good :P

Chances are, if Peeka hadnt bumped in to Lancer that night, I might actually still have a life :roll:

But I wouldnt be going to A'dam! :D :D
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Post by Buffalo Six »

Glas buddy...Pacific Fighters is the last installment of the IL2 engine. Think of it as IL2 Forgotten Battles + Aces Expansion Pack + Pacific Fighters. Right now the whole thing is patched up to V3.04 and we are waiting on V3.05 which I suspect is going to be the last patch for the IL2 series unless a miricle happens.

Here is the thing about PF. You can install it as a standalone game or have it installed over your IL2FB+AEP in what they call the merged install, or you can have both a standalone and a merged install. I have both because our squad mostly came from CFS3 (which i hated) and they didnt want to have to buy the other 2 games (IL2FB and AEP)

FB is a expansion of the eastern front (finland and some other maps and a bunch of eastern front planes) and AEP brings in the western powers and 2 Normandy maps, and 2 Battle of the Bulge area maps.

I would suggest you invest in a good HOTAS makes it so much nicer to fly and get a set of rudder peddles, as they aid in sawing wings off :D
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Post by GlasgowCelts »

Uppps, silly me, I was half-drunk when I posted mate ;)

Im still a while away from getting it though, Wb still gives me lots of fun even after 2 years.
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Post by Falker »

Whoa ..

Okay I can deal with that. Maybe I’ll say more later but for right now I just want to hang out. Cuz That’s what were all doing here right ?

That was bugging me for the longest time that , I thought this was still an active MW unit and here I was freeloading off this forum by coming in here and posting when I wasn’t even an active member. Ahh the torment that was giving me. LOL :P I kept telling myself , “ Why the hell do you keep posting in this forum when your not even playing MW ! “

I wanted to hop on coms and see what’s up but I didn’t want to be tormented again. So I just kept posting as if I were still wearing the ELH uniform .

I tried to keep my posture here because after I’ve read the MW books and then became a part of what this team used to be ... ( I miss that ) I considered my self to be more of an Elite member. Someone who’s really a contender on the battle field with other components and don't give no quarter. I tried to keep it real half of the time but my duty and Honor of being an Elite member of this unit kept persisting me to be a better person.

I haft to admit that since I left MW here over a year ago , I started feeling like I was loosing my combat skills , my enthusiasm of being a MW , my warrior instinct , my intellect , and my hardened battle cry has since then turned into a little peep. Since then … I felt as if I was becoming old-fashioned in my ways. Like there’s no Honor and Glory these days. Definitely no Honor to earn . And not only does it seem as if anybody really cares , but nobody really wants it either.

“Honor” was THE one and only thing I was always proud of. ELH and Clans alike had lots of honorable individuals in the MW books. I took Honor with me in every MW Battle . I took Honor maybe a little bit too seriously I guess.

Hmmm .. Okay this is going to be new for me to give up my Fantasy life and start letting it be for real all the time. In a way tho. To release me of this burden of trying to be a better person then I actually am in real life. Well .. All I can say about that is .. Whew … That’s a load off my mind.

I doubt if I’ll try to post here as often tho. Without the uniform to keep me determined and impel me to try to be a better contender … I’ll just be another plane Jane person with nothing to inspire me. My post might be rather dry.

Well , I guess I wont dribble no longer and turn this into a pointless post. I also have nothing more to say about ELH or GDL , or what it was like to live and die with honors in battle. I’ll just be a regular folk hanging out here from now on until I choose to leave. But it was a good run : )

And with that being said … I fell unless we recruit more members or have more people to chat with in here , .. then this place will eventually die . I admit that I like you guys and have grown fond of you. I wish that it could continue for a long time to come. A part of me will fell empty if ends.

I’ll try to come back someday and say something worth while later. It was a pleasure serving with you . You guys take it easy.

Regards Falker.
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Post by Hammer »

Well, like Feather said:

I am still here.

I drop by when I think of you guys, which is at least usually every time I talk with a guy at work that still plays mechie... He told me he played against some ELH within the last couple of weeks, I will have to ask him what his callsign is and the circumstances. So I read for an entire night, not usually posting... That is called lurking, right? ;)

I definitely grew a lot while in this unit, and the folks here are/were some of the best folks I have met. I came in when Bron still lead, I believe short after the GDL adsorbtion, or short before. Anyway, I was definitely a newb then, so did not really know much about what was going on. There are/were some folks that are/were disruptive, and I missed that incident Falker mentioned. I never even knew about it until now. I left because I got tired of babysitting and trying to mend things and help keep the unit going - I got so busy I did not really have the time and patience to deal with immature folks. I think with MW4 getting hosed pretty much killed it for us.

I have had a yearning to go get the game again and install and fire it up, but I have so much to do already... Several of us had tried to think of another game, but there is nothing like MW. Some come close, like IL2+AEP+PF... I get pretty worked up and excited flying that game as well...just like I did on drops. Once in a while Falcon 4 is like that, like the mission in a campaign where I got 6 kills...sweet!

For myself I have been promoted at work, just moved into a sweet new office, and became engaged in December. Work and my finacee rule my life, but I still game quite a bit - Falcon 4/FF3, Pacific Fighters is mostly it right now.

Your post after my last story entry was fairly disparaging, until I went back and read the crap I wrote. Musta been after a second double Margarita... :D I think I fixed most of it.

IL2 series players...,
The flight sim unit I belong to is pretty heavy into PF right now. We use a merged install, and usually play COOP campaigns generated with DCG. It would be GREAT to have some folks join us...we usually fly on Thu eves. We could even do some adversarial COOP if folks are up for it. If you are interested, send me an e-mail or go on over to . Wings of Fury is mostly (there is always at least one, right?) a very good group of folks, fairly mature. We are loosely organized, and easy going. We usually only play online within the squad due to our penchant for realism, and occasionally foray out into the world to see what ohter folks are up to. It has not worked for FPS milsim games - RL tactics seem to always get beat by run and gun... Of course we want to have fun as well, so sometimes the realism is a bit curtailed - such as in PF we do air starts as one member of the group does not have rudder pedals.

A bit of my history...

S.O.G. (1998-2000)
Delta Force 3

Ghost Dancer/Steel
ELH (2000-2003)

Wings of Fury (2001-present)
Falcon 4/SP3 - Falcon 4/SP4 - Falcon 4/FF3
IL2 - AEP - PF
Ghost Recon
Raven Shield
Operation Flashpoint
Hidden and Dangerous 2: Sabre Squadron

There are some mech type games out there. Some type of mod for Tribes 2, I think something for UT2004 as well. Seems a few folks fly IL2 series here, but something that may really appeal to folks is Steel Beasts. SB1 is out of print but can probably be found. SB Pro is about to be released, but is quite pricey as it was designed for the miliatry - $125. SB2 is destined for 2006 some time. Very realisitic tank combat. The number of tanks modeled is limited due to the realism, but the sim is awesome.

So how is everyone?
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Post by Falker »

That’s cool Bro ,

I’m glad your still hanging out here from time to time. I got to admit , … I miss the command staff and butting heads with them from time to time , heh. That’s just like me to find flaws in what’s going on around here since I have nothing better to do. As a retired Mech Warrior I used to feel like an old Klingon Warrior sometimes with noting better to do but drink blood wine and talk about the good old days .

I try not to come off in the wrong way , but it’s hard to translate your true meaning in these forums sometimes. Everybody is different in their own way of thinking. Ya Know.

For awhile there I was thinking about taking off from this place and finding a new life with friends that I can actually talk to in person. It bothered me to think about what it would be like if I were to leave this place behind. And the people I have much in common with.

I’'ve been up here in Washington Tacoma now for the last few weeks. Lots of good paying jobs up here and friendly people to boot. . Now all I need is a good pay check and some slick chick.

Glad your not dating anymore. Good luck with your newer life. I’ll probably be around from time to time when it’s appropriate.

PS. BUFF , Jamie’s got a gun not me. :P

Oh ya , almost forgot . I found this place on the net and it looks allot different then before @ ~~~> phpBB/

Maybe it’s just the site I linked to.

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