Fun paintball game

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Fun paintball game

Post by VEGETA »

Ok ths past weekend I had a BIg game in Canada. the field is very open and the one team that inserts on a specific SIDE always wins. We never get that side, but in the end we still killed more of them by a large number. Lost overall in points for teretory as there side overlooks our entire side, think German positions in WW1 over the allied side. Germans could even see in the trenches a bit.

But we won the last big game (30 min game at the end of the day) where the losing team has a chance to still gain a large number of points. Usually near imposable and we got it in under 15 min, just anilating there team pushing them back to there spawn point where when they die they just touch the building and are back in. We killed them so fast they could not leave that area. So shows we had better players but train has a big thing to do with it. I ran out of paint and still stayed in for another 15 min acting as cover, running ahead of a group getting guys where they needed to go, worked great. One guy I shot right in the solerplexes, which is a painful spot to get hit, literally dropped him to the ground. I was one of the last people left walking up to them with our dead, lol, using them as cover, was great.

My biggest thing was a short halo drop where a small group gts inserted behind enemy lines. 2 guys where next to where we inserted and never realized we where the blue team, they ignored us with 15 of us waiting for ref to say go, as soon as he did WAM they got pasted. took the flag there and moved to the next one where people who where in plane cover and getting drilled but cheating and not a ref around held us up. Since where we drooped in was where the enemy usually enters the field, we where on borrowed time. 50 guys (no a overestimate, trust me lol) inserted behind us, but hey took them 15 min to whipe us out. even tho we where stuck between a group of 100% cheaters and another 50 guys. I managed to take out 6 people form the 50 man group and another one earler, so 7 to 1 ratio PDT_Armataz_01_12

I easily achieved a 4 to 1 kill ratio for the day, so neadless to say a great day in all. I only had a case of paint so only got to take my heavelay modified 20 balls per second tippmann A5 out first trip and for the last. If I had that all day and the paint to run it all day, I would have done even better, especially considering they had marbalizer paint, which is amazing, but is 120$ a box lol. Usually places have several quality's of paint, so u can afford more lol. Quality affecting accuracy and a amount of breakage in the marker. But still just emptying 200 shots form the hopper in one continuous stream in 10 seconds is always fun. No one puts there head up.
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