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Posted: 20 May 2001, 01:50
by Malin
As you may be aware GhostDancer has kindly agreed to host a new Website for us.

Killerhorse has agreed to undertake the construction of the site for us but I'd like you all to add your views as to what would be cool (Within reason) along which if you've seen any really good websites please post up the URL so we can have a look and steal any ideas.


Posted: 20 May 2001, 14:12
by Mooseman
I reckon we should all send in scannned photos of ourselves, so we can do a proper roster sheet...problem is, not every1 has easy access to a scanner, but it shouldn't b too hard to blag one for a while :smile:

Posted: 21 May 2001, 09:40
by Hammer
Pics and bios are nice...

Keep an eye out for web sites to incorporate ideas and/or emulate. Post here if you see something...

Posted: 21 May 2001, 10:31
by StormCrow
You could check out this one- Its the best one in the ADL, some of that Flash would be cool as an intro,


Posted: 21 May 2001, 17:03
by Slamhammer
GD, I would like to use a flash intro....maybe with some pics that fade in and out....killer kinda knows what I want. Somthing showing charging horses. ELH web page should include the following. News section..roster, recuirting, links, commo section should include e-mail,fourm,battle com info. History and info page to tell peaple about us who we are and where we play and how we do it.

Posted: 21 May 2001, 17:22
by Hammer
Pretty cool intro and a nice clean design. A bit lenghty on the intro though...

I am not a web designer... I only do the server and software compiling, install, and configuration (the server, apache, php, forums software, internet domains, e-mail, stuff like that). I am NOT a programmer or developer. I have connections though.

Ghost Dancer
aka. Steel.sog
aka. Helmut Fritz
Stop, Look, and Listen

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Ghost Dancer on 2001-05-21 17:27 ]</font>

Posted: 24 May 2001, 22:01
by Slamhammer
I have been working on some stuff....also GD can you add a story section/ Role play for this forum. There are some good stories out there. I like to get people to try there Battle Tech story skills have fun with it. Thanks GD

Posted: 26 May 2001, 09:57
by BlackHawk*K
::::::: stands in a dark corner with black trench coat smoken a Cstick with a hat that covers the eyes :::::::: looks over at Ghoast Dancer and whispers :::::

PSSSSSST! you got connections buddy?
i might be able to scrape something up for you REAL CHEAP! (opens trench coat and shows stashed ELH parifinalia....) (and YES im wearing cloths you pervs!!! lol )

actualy i can use frontpage 2000 well enough to get a site layout. plus i got some other programs that uses a text based link layout that is realy nice. it makes a huge amount of pages though but as long as there is no complicated graphic content it loads them realy fast since they mostly simple text. the bad part, the way it names its pages makes it dificult for others to edit the pages. im sure we got the recorces to make a realy great site in this unit. all of us combined realy do know alot of things. lets see if we can pull this out of the hat.

Posted: 29 May 2001, 15:21
by Malin

Not mech related but the load up of the page is stunning. (Yup stoned again)

Let me know what you think

Posted: 29 May 2001, 21:17
by ELH-GO-Rock
I do 3-D art as a hobby, and can make some decent photo-realistic renderings for Control panels, or even site artwork if needed. Let me know.

You can go to and check the gallery for some of my stuff.

Posted: 30 May 2001, 04:34
by Slamhammer
Rock get with killer or GD let them know you have the skill. Ties rocks shoelaces togather when he was not looking then calls him over.....hehehe

Posted: 30 May 2001, 18:32
by Hammer
How about a replacement logo for that silly phpBB thing right - up - there...:smile:

WAIT! <thud> your shoelaces are tied together... :grin:

Posted: 30 May 2001, 23:18
by ELH-GO-Rock
Cool, I'll see what I can put together to remove that phpBB thing..

Question, does format matter? Does it have to be .gif, .jpg, .png, or .tga?

If it's gif, I got a great idea for an Erdani Animated logo........

<fires up the old Graphics Machine>

Damn, wish i had an Indigo box....

Posted: 31 May 2001, 18:20
by Hammer
I think a .gif is quite allright! .jpg is good too... This thing runs on php 4 and Apache...