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Posted: 22 Sep 2001, 02:11
by ELH~Lancer
I have updated the roster on the site. Next to ppls names I have also placed their national flag. This is mainly to help in finding ppl to drop in the same time zone.

There are a few missing! This is because Killer has not got your details. If you know which nation you live in please let her know :smile:

For those that don't know where the site is

If I have anybody flagged wrongly, I apologise but it is based upon ELH records as they stand. I'm sure you will let me know. :sad:

If any of you Southern boys want the 'Stars n' Bars' that is okay with me :smile:

Wine for my men. We ride at dawn.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: ELH~Lancer on 2001-09-22 02:13 ]</font>

Posted: 22 Sep 2001, 11:27
by Hammer
I am really hoping that no one in this unit would even think of displying the "star and bars". There is a LOT of bad stigma associated with that flag.

Posted: 22 Sep 2001, 12:59
by Punch
There is nothing worng with the stars n bars.
Some people just make it seem like its more then it really is.
Its our countries heritage and should be flown loud and proud.
I think it should be a law that its flown under the stars n stripes in every southern state.
And under that should be the state flag.
just me veiws tho.
but really im sick of hearin people cry about it, and having it removed is just plain wrong.
real nice site Lance , you've done a hell of a job.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Punch on 2001-09-22 13:02 ]</font>

Posted: 22 Sep 2001, 17:34
by Slamhammer
If you are a American you fly that flag....
no matter what region or were you hertigage is from...the bottom line your American...God Bless her and those that stick by her

Posted: 22 Sep 2001, 18:20
by Hammer
Well I guess many of you do not remember that the Confederate States of America, whom that flag represents, went to war with the United States in order to cecede from said United States of America. They wanted to defend their way of life, part of which was slavery. That was not the only reason, but a large part of it.

If this symbol could be somehow seperated from its racist/slavery component, I would have no issue with it - even the rebellious symbolism that a portion of it represents. Our second ammendment right is being infringed upon daily, and I myself am appalled at what I see from the lawmakers here in California (the reason we have a second ammendment is to prevent the gov. from removing our rights). Yet perception is reality as we all know, and most people do not have a clue about what this symbol represents to those that choose to utilize it. Perhaps they will educate the rest of us???

I have nothing against any one being proud of where they are from, but for being proud of and displaying a symbol of a lifestyle I can not condone (and I am NOT alone in that) I will take issue with. As I said, educate me that it is NOT as I perceive.


I did not say you could not fly whatever flag you want, nor anyone else. Yep, we have that freedom of speech thing here in the U.S. I even served to defend that right for EVERYONE in the U.S., whether I agree with their point of view or not! I said I hoped no one would want to do so...(because of what that symbol represented for a culture to me, and many like me). I also have a choice about with whom I associate.


I know they are not being disrespectful to the North, and that has nothing to do with it. It is the issues I raised above, and yes racism is still quite evident in the South (but not only, mind you!).

BTW, I am from the United States of America, not the North or the South. I have lived in both for extended periods of time and never considered myself associated with one or the other, just the USA.

One other little tidbit - what most of you call the stars and bars is not the actual stars and bars. It is the Beauregard Battle Flag...:smile:

Tell me who amongst y'all would not be offended by myself wanting a Nazi flag next to my name, especially with my German heritage!!!



aka. Helmut Fritz

Stop, Look, and Listen

Posted: 22 Sep 2001, 22:22
by ELH~Lancer
Easy up here people. It was not my intent in the original post to start any of this. It was intended as a joke (somewhat badly placed) hence the smilie at the end.

Now if I have blown on embers best left alone I apologise.

The ELH is a diverse and international unit. We are never all going to share the same point of view and 'hurrah' for that.

So can we please let it lie now? If you have views on this please scream them at your monitor and lets move on. Please let this be the last post (pun intended) on the subject.

Posted: 23 Sep 2001, 00:24
by Slamhammer
There are battles to be fought and wars to be won.....mount up draw sabre's and "FOLLOW ME"!!!....wooohooo Clans to the left of me, clans to the the right of me , clans to the front of me....onward yelled the Eridani Light Horsemen.


<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Slamhammer on 2001-09-23 00:25 ]</font>

Posted: 23 Sep 2001, 06:13
by CougarMech
Everyone has their own opinions. what happened has happened and somethings are best not to be argued over, specialy in this manner, we are Americans and under the same flag. I could go on and on and on about racism in the south, and in the north, and the civil war, but its really not worth fighting over. Its in the past and now we are right here and right now, lets worry about today, and what mechys to blow up next=P

Now dont get me wrong, knowing history and stuff is important also, so as not to repeat mistakes. But arguing over things like "how could you ever be proud of that flag" or somthing is silly. I know the history, i know what happened then, i really dont need to be reminded. I know im not racist, i think myself as an American. And thats all i really need to know or worry about.

So as stated before, lets worry about important things now, like whos mechys we destroy next=p

He who lives by the PPC lives a gooood looong time!

Posted: 24 Sep 2001, 10:32
by Hammer
Send me your paper please. I am interested... :smile: And I agree, there should always be a check to balance the govt. - hence the Bill of Rights.

FYI - how many know that the citizens of New York rioted due to the Civil War draft? It was due to the rich men that were drafted were able to buy themselves out of it...!!! During the riot, the northern citizens of the city of New York lynched and otherwise murdered many well as destryoed the homes of many rich white families, amongst other things. To Heretic's point above - it is often about money...although for various reasons. I don't think it always is though...finding bin Laden (or whoever...) is not about the rich getting richer...

Posted: 28 Sep 2001, 17:29
by Punch
I was going to make this big HUGE speech about the civil war, Flags, freedom of speech and so forth, But i will make it shorter instead.

1.the civil war(as i think im right :-0) was not started over Slavery, it was started over the south being taxed heavly by the norths shipping ports.
The issue of slavery wasnt raised intill 2 years into the war to give the people of the north something to rally behind because support for the war was declining.
I may be wrong on this and someone can tell me if i am.

That aside the flag represents a heritage of a proud people and a way of life.
Not a way of racisim(for some it is so, but for the bigger portion it is not).

For the most part i am not a racist, and i will not go into me veiws here, but to tell me i can not fly a flag like that just chaps my ass.

Its just another way for the damn bleeding heart liberal weirdos in this country to shove theirs veiws down my throat, and im quit sick of it.

I was born in the north(Ohio) but lived in many states, Ohio, NC,VA,Fla,and TX.
What ive seen is a bunch of people that are proud of their families blood line and are not proud of racisim.

I have a friend in NC that has the original papers for like his Great great Grandfathers discharge from the confederate army.
This to me is our Nations history and should be cherised not disgaurded because a FEW people find them offensive.
If you dont like it, dont look at it.
Just like the TV and the radio, if you dont like what your Watching/listening too change the damn channel, dont bitch about and force people to take it off the air because you dont like it.
maybe i wanna see it, and you forcing them to take it off the air infriges on my rights to view it.

Yes i am an American and i salute Ole' Glory, as should everyone that is a Citizen in this country, but to say the rebel flag is not a valid and proud flag is wrong.

Ok im rambling, i know and im sure my post dont make sense, but thats because these topics get me pissed cause im sick of people trying to take my rights away =)

And Cougar, for you to say theres no point in arguing over this, is (Im sorry bro), But idiotic.
Its your Duty as an american to stand up for what you belive in and let your voice be heard louder then next man's and let your opinion be voiced.

Anyone that says they are not a racist is a damn liar.
Every single person on this planet has racism in there blood in 1 form or another.
Your birth certificate is proof enough that your are guilty.
Have a nice day :0)

BTW, please ingnore my spelling is sux :razz:

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Punch on 2001-09-28 17:34 ]</font>

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Punch on 2001-09-28 21:26 ]</font>