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Posted: 20 Jun 2004, 23:37
by BlackHawk*K
hey all thought it would be cool to start a thread about some games we all have been playing and what we thought of them. Besides planetside ive been playing two new games.

its a basic hack in slash in alot of ways. its a bit morbid but if you like killing evil things then this is your cup of tea i guess. it has alot of the higher end graphics stuff and uses the ragdoll physics that leads to some cool effects. the thing that impressed me is vast size the actual playing area is.. most Games just put up a picture of what it would look like from a distance. but keeps you in a confined space and then moves you to another confined space... now this game, its totaly different, if you see a building in a distance. if you didnt have obsticles in the way you could walk to the damn thing. the game area does load up at one time, however you are confined by gates and doors untill you clear out the mosters in the area then you move on..

although im not a hack and slash shooter type i enjoyed the game for the most part. defently a thumbs up on the graphics engine though.

Need For Speed Underground..
Well this might not be good for the comon redneck, however i like it :P
ive always been into custom cars, but the imports are something just way to expensive for my poor construction based blood... however if i was a spoiled rich punk? hmmm i would probably be in there ;)

the graphics are good. the game is fast paced. you can customize your car and you get some cute animated race starter girls... now if it had beer i would say perfect...

so what you all been playing and what you think of it?