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STEEL: which plane in Italy campaign were we using?

Posted: 25 Mar 2005, 00:18
by Grifter
What were we flying? the p39Q-1? or p39Q-10? I'm trying to learn to fly it. So far I really, really dislike the p39Q-1. Flew a few missions after tonight's session. I just don't like the way it handles. Stalls to easily in turning fights with 109s.

Posted: 25 Mar 2005, 10:25
Griffy, were you trying to pull as soon as the 109 began banking? I found it necessary to force myself to wait until I had reached that point in space where he had begun his turn. That way I wouldn't find myself cutting through his turn, but literally turning IN his circle behind him. You are less likely to overshoot, and as a consequence require less AOA or 'G' to make the turn that will allow you to stay behind. That's not to say the 109 doesn't hold the advantage there, but this effort on my behalf certainly minimised my problem there. Wouldn't mind having another aircraft or two as a comparison. 8)

Posted: 25 Mar 2005, 11:58
by Hammer
p-39 q10

Posted: 25 Mar 2005, 14:30
by Grifter
Steel: Thank god! I thought I we were using version 1...what a piece of crap that plane is. Version 10 worked well during training sessions today.

Kodiak: I do both depending on the situation. I use throttle to prevent overshoot. Not to say I don't overshoot, sometimes I do, but I'm fair at keeping behind the target. Sometime I want to get close to his tale so I can saw it off with the cannon. Other times, I want to do a lag pursuit like you suggested here so that I can maintain energy and move in close on a straight line. depends on if I'm in a hurry or not I guess.