BH's new hobbies..

Projects, "toy" collections, etc.

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Post by BlackHawk*K »

hey Bron! thanks man...
fine details are a pain LOL. but i guess stepping back and looking is all worth it in the end.

im on the last leg of this journey!!!

just a few small parts to do and i will be done.. the connon itself is completed as of NOW! YAY :::does a jig:::

just finished the bucket, and working on all the sticks with the gizmos on em to complete the set.

im sorry for such big pictures folks. ( i hope most of us have broadband??) its just i cant show the detail without em as well..

here is some pics of the cannon at this point. soon as i get done, a few more pics. then it gets wraped up and given to my boss as a gift. who is a MAJOR civil war buff.. i hope he enjoys it.

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Post by BlackHawk*K »

This project is competed ::YAY::

it was recieved very well. turns out he knew all about cannons etc. said it was probably a union cannon, but they stole so much from each other back then who knows hehe.

will post the finished pictures when i get a chance.

thanks for the interest!! time to go clean up the garage and reorganize UHG.. its ok though, no pics for THAT project ;)
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Post by VEGETA »

man I can't wait to get a real palce (apartment life sucks) so I can get into projects again, stuff like this I love doing. One big one I want to do is a wood case for my pool cue but with soe brass details on it, but that has to ait tell I get a place I can work. But looks amazing, I want it PDT_Armataz_01_12
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Post by Falker »

That looks sweet BH , I ran a lathe similar to that about 25 yeas ago when I was an optician. Nice job on the clean up. If only I had one of those…. They come in handy more than you would think.

We have a cannon similar to that over here. God, it is so old. I remember it form when I was in grad school.. Ok , I’ll haft to find it and post it. I hope it’s that easy. I haven’t seen it in a few years, heh.
Last edited by Falker on 27 Apr 2008, 22:42, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Falker »

Last edited by Falker on 27 Apr 2008, 21:44, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Falker »

Now just put a ship in a bottle and I’ll be totally impressed. lol I always wanted to do that. :) have fun!
We're in the pipe , five by five.
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