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Posted: 12 Nov 2007, 16:37
by Softball
I just finished the "Death from above" mission. Holy SH*T!! That was bad ass. You get to play as the gunner in a C-130 Gunship, and have three weapon types, 25mm, 40mm, and 105mm. The 105mm canon, OMFG!! They REALLY need to make a flight sim where you can fly the C-130 Gunship and control the gunner.

I'm just past the mission where the Nuke goes off. What a mess that was.

Posted: 12 Nov 2007, 17:35
by Gator
I'm trying on the next-to-hardest difficulty setting ... can I say how hard the TV-Station was? It was like a grenade rugby match.

Posted: 12 Nov 2007, 18:34
by Softball
That mission was INSANE!! It took me like 15 minutes minimum to clear the final room. I'm playing on the Normal setting.

Posted: 12 Nov 2007, 20:50
by Softball
Check out this thread about CoD4 from SIMHQ. Magnum hits the nail on the head with his comments. ... ost2376869

I agree with him and the many others at SIMHQ 100%, what a GREAT gaming experience. Best I have had in a long long time. I don't know what to say except that you don't know what you are missing. This game is "Black Hawk Down" good, if not better.

Posted: 12 Nov 2007, 20:58
by daofcmacg
I knew you would like the death from above Softball, again wait till you guys finish it and I found that there isn't any real alternate endings just one way to end and I won't spoil it but alot of people die. The sniper prequel is off the chain but a little unbelievable.

Yes that 105 can really wreck havok can't it.


Posted: 13 Nov 2007, 03:35
by Softball
I finished the campaign tonight (It's 3:30am, and I just could not stop playing). I would say the entire campaign took me about 9-10 hours to complete. My favorite mission in the entire campaign is the sniper mission in Russia. OMG that was SO SO intense and fun!! I love how it gives you the choice to go stealthy or take out the targets. My next favorite is the "Death from Above" mission. CoD4 will most likely get GOTY.

Overall, I am very happy that I got the game. They did a very good job on the story line and made it believable. The bonus mission after the credits was pretty cool. I can't wait for the next CoD game with this setting. I'm hoping they can somehow add MP COOP to the campaign, that would be greeeeeeat.

I give CoD4 a double thumbs up. Fantastico!!

Posted: 16 Nov 2007, 14:05
by daofcmacg
I love it up to the point of MP with no COOP. They should of thought that one thru but then we have to remember that 90% of the community is run and gun die a million times to accomplish a undetermined goal.


Posted: 23 Nov 2007, 12:29
by daofcmacg
COD4 V. 1.2 patch is out, its main purpose is to prepare your install for future mods to come.


Posted: 05 Dec 2007, 02:27
by Softball
Better late than never...

Here are some screenshots I took while I was playing through the campaign. The original full sized images have been reduced to 1152x720.


Man, how I wish OFP looked and played like COD4.

Posted: 05 Dec 2007, 08:54
by daofcmacg
Its like seeing a ghost from the past when I look at your screenshots. My God Softball your screenshots are so crisp and clean, I am not worthy. I hope like hell Cpt. Price didn't die (even though I know he is gone).


Posted: 05 Dec 2007, 12:47
by Softball
I think I am going to install the latest patch and play it again. I want to see if anything plays differently the second time through.

Posted: 05 Dec 2007, 13:07
by PanzerMeyer
Softball wrote:I think I am going to install the latest patch and play it again. I want to see if anything plays differently the second time through.
Does the patch make any major changes or improvements?