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World in Conflict Releases today 9/18/07

Posted: 18 Sep 2007, 09:39
by Softball
Anyone here going to pick this up?

I have it pre-ordered so hopefully I get a call today or tomorrow to pick it up.

*Crosses fingers* I hope it was worth the wait.

Posted: 18 Sep 2007, 10:13
by Gator
I'm waiting for it to be delivered ... already purchased.

Posted: 18 Sep 2007, 10:30
by Hammer
ummm - no. i think you all saw my comments on the beta. if it did not change, no way i am interested.

Posted: 18 Sep 2007, 16:36
by Softball
Got my copy today. I played for a bit at lunch, it's absolutely stunning. Will report back with more info on MP after I have tested for a while.

Steel, my copy came with a 10 day free trial of the full version (I'm assuming). I will give it to you when I see you on Friday and you can check it out.

Posted: 18 Sep 2007, 16:50
by Hammer
well, if you still need to have the roles fulfilled for MP to get certain units, then no... it was lame in the demo, so it will still be lame now.

MP was crippled unless you had 6 or more people.

Posted: 18 Sep 2007, 17:25
by Softball
I don't think they designed the game for one person to control all units, it was designed for team play and working together with a common goal. Each player plays a single role (Infantry, Armor, Air, Support) and either another person plays one of the other roles or they can be filled by the AI. I haven't had a lot of time to check out all of the features. I'm going to check and see if there is a commander style mode where you can control all unit roles. I believe you can change roles during a mission, at least that's what I get by reading the book. We'll see.

Posted: 18 Sep 2007, 17:38
by Hammer
well, in the demo there seemed to be no AI for other roles, and there did not seem to be AI for the other side if both folks went to the same side...

Posted: 20 Sep 2007, 16:41
by Gator
I got my copy today. lousy cheap paper sleeve packaging. I usually like a little more substance to store my cd keys in.

Posted: 20 Sep 2007, 22:54
by Softball
Gator and I played for about an hour tonight. I know for a fact that you can fill all slots that are not taken by human players with an AI component. Gator and I played 4 vs 4 as NATO, with 2 AI on our side vs 4 AI enemy. We were spanked hard by the enemy Air role. Once we started building AA units, we started to make a push. You can change roles at any time during the mission, and you can request/purchase certain units that are not part of your role; at a more expensive rate.

I had to leave for my game so we didn't get to finish the map. The graphic details in WiC are stunning and I am in awe everytime I fire it up.

Posted: 21 Sep 2007, 15:25
great another game to buy dam u softball