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Maverick Force Correlate Mode

Posted: 29 Aug 2013, 20:41
by Hudson
This lets you fire the Maverick from very far away. Further than you can typically get a lock, and even further than the maximum range, if you have some altitude (~12 miles out.) The big caveat is that you're firing at a point. If the target moves, you miss. Here's how to do it.

Select any type of Maverick(s) EXCEPT the D in the DSMS
Make the TGP SOI
Locate your target in the TGP
TMS Forward Long (LCtrl Up) to make it SPI
Select the MAV in the MFCD and make it SOI
Hold China Hat Forward (V) to slew the Maverick to SPI
Hold the Boat switch down (as opposed to aft - in this case there is a distinction, Ralt Down) for 1-2 seconds
TMS Aft Short (LCtrl Down) to ground stabilize the maverick
TMS Forward Short (LCtrl Up) to Track
Fire when ready within give or take 12 miles. If your missile blows up before reaching the target you were too far out. But that's about all there is to it.

Good method for taking out SAMS when you don't want to screw with getting too close.