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Post by Bones »

So I've noticed an annoying CCIP bug. BUt the annoyance comes mostly with ED's approach to it.

SO I found that when I have CCIP in the Hornet, the bomb drop line is tilted at an angle. I reported it and I was told that it has been a long standing CCIP bug that occurs when using INS only not GPS/IFA. But in my case I was using IFA. I started to elaborate on it and they merged my thread with an old thread about it that dates back to *2019* and that is closed for comments. I was like, so, this is how you solve the issue, place it in an archive post with no commenting so that it can't be followed up on?

So I posted a new thread explaining it again, and because I thought it important to mention that I was in IFA mode, so this might be a new bug. THere was some suggestions that wind had to do with it, but I flew with the wind to my left and the line was tilted accordingly, but when I turned around 180 deg and flew back the line was titled the same way, not the opposite.

Also the mission had wind at 7 m/s on the ground but 0 everywhere else.

So I dunno what's up. These suggestions were made by another user, but then an ED developer came on and said to wait for the 2.9 patch because some CCIP issues will be addressed.

Is it me or does this sound like a very basic thing that shouldn't be broken, and that their approach and attitude toward my findings are largely dismissed?

Threads are here: ... nt-5303999

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"Also, I would prefer a back seater over the extra gas any day. I would have 80 pounds of flesh to eat and a pair of glasses to start a fire." --F/A-18 Hornet pilot
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Re: CCIP Bug

Post by Grifter »

It's not you. There are longstanding complaints in this vein on Hoggit and other DCS related forums. It's extremely frustrating. As much as I love DCS, and there is a lot to love about it, ED's whole business model and the way they handle longstanding bugs and unfinished elements in the sandbox really, really bothers me. Like all of you, I have a very busy life and a lot of other interests, and so when I run into these problems in DCS I really get annoyed. I could be playing a different video game or doing something else with my time and money altogether. It's tough to log on at 8pm EDT in the middle of the work week, especially when you know that the sim has problems, not to mention that it takes a while to set up simply because of the nature of the sim in the first place.

This is part of the reason why I haven't invested as much of myself in recent memory into the sim. I've been thinking I need to get back into it and get more engaged going into the winter months. Obviously, the summer has become a period when I'm away from the PC because I'm backpacking and visiting family. But, I just have a hard time doing that when the basic essentials that should be "complete" and error free are ignored by the company whose business model relies on tossing out unfinished eye candy and charging a premium for it. Of course, I realize that none of that is going to change so long as ED doesn't have a direct competitor, or doesn't decide to dramatically change their approach to their business.
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