Red Orchestra 3.3 Released

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Red Orchestra 3.3 Released

Post by PanzerMeyer »

You can get full install or the patch from

By the way, does anyone want to play this sometime soon?

RO Beta 3.3 Changelog


- New player movement system. Players now have acceleration
and momentum. Players take a little time to accelerate
to full speed and a little time to slow down. This is
especially apparent when strafing as the player can no
longer instantly change strafing directions due to pushing
against their own momentum.

- New directional movement speed system. The player moves
slower while strafing and moves very slow while walking

- Bots will now listen to vehicle voice commands in a very
rudimentary fashion. Bots will actually stop the vehicle
when ordered to stop. They will then continue on their way
if given any other movement command. They do not follow
direct movement commands however.

- Bots can now be ordered to get out of a vehicle and they
will leave.

- New map BaksanValley.


- Rendering optimizations. Optimizations were made that can
speed up rendering from 15-40% depending upon the users
machine. These optimizations should be particularly
helpful for users with lower end CPUs. There were general
optimizations and specific optimizations for when lots of
players or vehicles are on the screen.

- Optimized StalingradKessel and Kharkov for better server-
side performance.

- Optimized StalingradKessel for better client-side

- Made tweaks to the SMGs. Recoil was not working properly
on the MP40, and this has been fixed. Additionally, the
recoil values for all SMGs have been tweaked to more
accurately represent their real world recoil.

- Made some minor tweaks that will cause the player to move
more smoothly online during laggy conditions.

- Increased the radius that footsteps can be heard. Players
will now have to be more tactful when trying to sneak up
on people.

- Decreased the volume of the player's breathing and the
distance it can be heard.

- Players will now make quiet footstepping sounds when
crouched or walking slowly.

- Made changes to the motion blur system. The blur effect
duration and the distance at which it effects players
has been reduced. Additionally, cover (such as walls)
will now reduce the blur effect much more than before.

- Reduced the amount of SMG roles on StalingradKessel

- Tanks should no longer continue to roll down shallow
hills after the tank stops.

- Breathing sounds from stamina loss now play sooner to
give the player a better idea of their stamina level.

- Players now regain stamina any time they are not
sprinting. They regain stamina very slowly if they are
moving while standing and quickly if they are not moving
or if they are crouched or prone.

- Tweaked directional movement speeds. Directional movement
speed is now adjusted for eight way movement instead of
just 4 way movement. This means the players speed is split
between the strafing and full forward speed when strafing
while moving forward. This also means players no longer
move faster while walking backward and strafing.

- Moved the "Weapon shot out of hand" message down


- Fixed a map exploit on the map Danzig.

- Fixed a bug where a grenade that appeared to be thrown
would actually blow up the player throwing it a few moments
after they threw the grenade.

- Fixed a bug where in rare instances ( < 10% of the time )
rifles and semi-automatic rifles would fire where the rifle
recoiled, not where it was aimed.

- Fixed a problem where tanks were not braking properly
and the tank would spin sideways when using the brake

- Fixed the spelling of Panzerbesatzung in the role menu.
I have learned from experience that a modicum of snuff can be most efficacious - Baron Munchausen
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