Community Warefare

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Community Warefare

Post by Bronurstomp »

I was speaking with Malin (ex ELH) and he invited me to join ELP, which has a large, active group of mechwarriors. I am tempted to say yes. What would you guys think of joining them as a lance?

Please reply here.

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Re: Community Warefare

Post by Bronurstomp »

Mal posted in another thread"
Hi all,

A thought for you all.

I'm in Eridani Light Pony (loosely based on MLP) which is a fun MWO unit with a couple of hundred members: that plays often.

With the new rules coming out about needing a 12 man to then form a merc outfit wondering if the active MWO guys here wanted to merge into ELP (ELH has sadly been taken over by the Russians).

Let me know your thoughts and post if you're interested so I can go back to ELP leadership with names and numbers and setup a conversation.



Bron PDT_Armataz_01_37
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Re: Community Warefare

Post by Buffalo Six »

damn ruuskies!
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Re: Community Warefare

Post by Slamhammer »

I would like to thank Mal for thinking about his friends, but would like a try at forming a unit on our own. ELP l am sure is a great community to game with and I believe they would welcome us with open arms. I have been at this for a long time and I as with most of you have establish our own way of doing things that is uniquely ours, at least as mechwarrior goes. I know we can get the 12 players we need then some. We talked about this a while ago and agreed we would sit back see how the CW aspect would start to fill out well this is the 1st time that we got some type of direction on where they are heading and I beleive we can now start to work out plans on fielding a unit. I would volunteer to start to get admin stuff togather and gate keep this untill others are able to jump in.

A few of us have had hardwear problems ie computers unable to run.....and others life events have jump in and still others were taking a wait and see attitude but i believe start showing some movement we will get most of them onboard. The following is a list of those that played or playing andhave shown intrest in getting a unit togather. ( please add anybody i have missed my memory is not as goodas had been...head injury and age.

Slamhammer, Bron, Hammer, Blackhawk, Pain, Starlight Guy, Veg, Metal, Madogkiller, styker, Buff, Gator, ( Tach, Hondo, Feather ) have life of tech issue but showed intrest.

I known I have forgot a few who we play with and I am certian that once people start seeing us move on this we will start getting a of those we haven't seen in while back. Plus I know we can recurit friends and even new pilots remember most have been at this in one from or another for going 10 to 12 years or so we know a lot of people and they know us. So let me know what you all think I already started to gather some info....Hammer i will not turn down your help
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Re: Community Warefare

Post by Hammer »

nope - no ponies for me. sorry. I would hope we can get Malin back with us!

I think that is all Slam. there are a couple others as well that might join us, Mech Jock and Corwin Vickers.

you know I will help Slam.

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Re: Community Warefare

Post by BlackHawk*K »

as much as i would love to play with malin again im not sure i can play under the ELP banner LOL... "everything is better with ribbons" dosnt quite fit my mechWARRIOR philosophy. :P and i cant quite imagine my units arch nemesis being the Battle Bronies... LOL.

ok, im sure its a fun group. and im sure half of them are there to poke fun at themselves and others hehe. but to be honest. i think the unit is just too big for me. when Osis offered. i thought that group may be too large as well. what keeps me playing online games, tends to be the friends that play it as well. it kept me in CDS. it drew me to ELH. its why i played Guildwars for so long. even Battlefield 3 was a lot more fun with friends online. to be honest MWO has enough bugs that it frustrate me, that if it wasnt for you folk, i would of probably put it up, and come back to it once they worked out some of this stuff. but as it is, i enjoy hanging with you old farts who ive known well over 10 years. and ive enjoyed the new guys who, due to their inanity decided to hang out with us ;) i enjoyed playing a game with Gator, who ive seen around these forums for years. this is the most important point for this game for me. there are other points such as, i find it hard to dedicate time and consistency like i was able to in the past... im sorry but teenage drama just wont be put on hold LOL. and keep in mind, i live alone, with 3 of them! so for me, the more casual approach fits me and my circumstances better.

Slam, i sent a message to Ratmx on facebook. will let you know if and how he responds. i hope he at least shows up here and says hi :)

i am willing to help the best i can as well. its not like i dont have time on my hands, its just that sometimes its random.
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Re: Community Warefare

Post by Bronurstomp »

Ok sounds like the same song I've been hearing for a while now. I suppose I'm just getting impatient, like today I've been on all day, and saw several of my 'friends' on line, been on TS all day, and no one comes on to says hi, no one responds to text in game (Which is prolly the games fault due to the crappy text system), and so I ended up PUGging all day anyway. If something doesn't happen soon, I'm joining an active outfit that can field 12 man teams on a regular basis.
Just sayin.
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Re: Community Warefare

Post by BlackHawk*K »


i know we all get different things out of online gaming. i dont think any one would begrudge you now matter what you decided to do. i know i got on fairly late and played a few games in my Victor, but that was all. kinda sad considering it was the last day of the double XP thing. but i know in my case, for someone who dosnt do a lot i have a crap full of drama going on in my life LOL. it is what it is. i cant say for anyone else though. i know for my self, i am mainly waiting for the actual game to come live before i make any choices myself, i am guessing some of the others here, are probably in the same boat. just know what ever you decide, i will still be around ( as much as i can) to drop with if you want.

for right now, where im at, i consider the game still in Beta. the "launch" was nothing of the sort. i really wish these guys could be organized about something. after all this time, they JUST NOW actually started some kind of communication on the forums. i think many of us suffer from having expectations that they tend to continually crush. i also feel that perhaps, many of us dont get on as much because of the disappointments involved.

as disappointed as i feel sometimes, i still have high hopes for this game, and for those of us here. i like to think, that once things get rocking, activity will increase and we can become the unit i feel we are in essence. the majority of the people here may not be young and have those teen twitchy reflexes, but, we have experience and to some degree, discipline that many youngest havnt acquired yet. i believe that even though we may not makeup the TOP merc unit, i think we have a mix of abilities to create a unit that can maintain a impact and keep it going. so, as i often times may be disappointed, i remain hopeful.

the one thing i know for sure, even if the company fell of the map tomorrow and we never played a MWO game again, i will always be grateful for the people this game has brought out of the wood work. both the old friends i havnt seen in a LONG LONG time, and the new friends that ive just gotten to know a little about. so at least that im thankful for.

like i said, everyone here is here for their own reasons. i think ive stated mine clearly enough. im not sure how everyone else is or how they feel about this, i just hope that this starts soon and at least reaches 50% of my expectations. could be a hell of a lot of fun. until then i will get on when i can and plink away and hope to stay sharp enough to be competitive, and hope my RL drama will go away long enough to let me have a bit of fun.
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Re: Community Warefare

Post by VEGETA »

Well I hope to be online a little more. my hrs i get online are odd ball to say the least. I generally end up puggin on that generic TS i posted up a while back.
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