unit creation

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unit creation

Post by BlackHawk*K »

i guess im hitting this topic once again... i know MWO is a far cry away from where we hoped it would be at this point.

in today's patch no a huge amount was done to the game play itself. but, they did add the unit creation system. ( patch notes here: http://mwomercs.com/game/patch-notes)

so with that in mind, im would like to ask about everyone's thoughts on a unit. are we still thinking about one? do we want one? do we have enough players to fill one?

i myself have been playing with other units off and on. some seem ok for the most part. but it noticed it seems that no one unit seems to fit us as a group. if we dont have enough active members here in RLG to form our own unit. it would be nice if we could find a unit that we at least felt we all fit in. but knowing how each of us are different, that may be a large order.

to be honest, i like my new friends i have made in MWO. but, i dont want to see what we have here lost either. as much as i enjoy the company of the other units ive played with. i still feel my place is here, among the RLG crowd.

im not going to bring up anything like unit name etc, until we address these questions posted here. those other issues are mute, unless we have enough people interested enough to make them valid.

so thoughts, feelings, ideas?

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Re: unit creation

Post by Hammer »

I think we are thinking about it. :)

we did select Heavy Metal Militia before, and that is good. we kind of act like a militia. ;)

we could do ELH backwards, Heavy Lancers of Eridani.

I think we do not need to over-think it.
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Re: unit creation

Post by BlackHawk*K »

ok... im not sure im into 'house kalasa' LOL if you are going to stick me with some sort of leadership position.. then MAYBE ( not for sure) Hansen's Heavy Handed. to be honest, im not sure what actual unit names are out there. i still feel that the unit should pull away from just ELH because we have Pain and MM involved. plus others who might join who wont understand the association. but that goes for the House Kalasa thing as well. no one playing right now has been in CDS with me.. i hold on to the name just for nostalgia sakes. (plus the bother of changing my email bhkalasa@yahoo.com and bh-k@comcast.net LOL. ) all i have to say, i have a hankering to put a tag on!! also, even if its just 5 or so of us playing, i would rather it be 'us' then join someone else..
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Re: unit creation

Post by Hammer »

yes, I like House Kalasa! so does Pain. I bet a few others would like it too. but for real - you are part of the glue that holds out little corner of internet mechy together. it is a fitting tribute.

btw - you should ditch any email on yahoo!

so far there is:

Heavy Metal Militia (which we had all agreed upon before)
House Kalasa
Hansen's Irregulars
Hammer's Slammers
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Re: unit creation

Post by Bronurstomp »

I will second the motion for Heavy Metal Militia.

TAG could be HMM or HVMM or H_MM
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Re: unit creation

Post by 976PAIN »

hrmmmm anyone notice all proposed names begin with H? hehe. I hear ya BH in re. Kalasa....Hansen's Irregulars sounds kinda cool to me. HMM is ok, but kinda generic to my ears. Not saying I hate it , just...maybe we should throw out more names to consider. As you know I am friends with Carlyle and MechJock, and love what them guys are doing, but I would like to see us all in something that is ours. Be it HMM or whatever. Today, with these choices, I would vote for HI :P

In other news, whoever is going to lead this thing...I read that cbills will not be transferable between warriors when this thing gets rolling. The cbill provision will be for the leader to decide where to attack and with what force.
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Re: unit creation

Post by Slamhammer »

Count me in.....what ever the name is..
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Re: unit creation

Post by BlackHawk*K »

LOL right now we are going with HMM... not sure how long that will last with Hammer here ;) i do have to say though, that, even though i am willing to take lead position, i am not a military person. when i lead CDS in M3L, i never dictated orders. each, and every person under my command had a say in what happened. to the leader to the lowest recruit. CDS was comprised of a group of FRIENDS , who had a say. if, you, as a group choose me as a leader, i will not, tarnish this style of leadership. if, you so choose, i will represent this unit with honor and respect. and, i would expect those who are here to follow, the same. what i mean by that is, hold back the negative comments in team chats. make this unit a safe haven for those who are tired of the BS involved in dropping in PUGS. we should be an example of what mature people could represent. we should be a lure, to what mature folk would want to be around. i dont want to see a unit, that is caught up in damage or game scores. i want to see a unit based on friendship. all of us being comrades faced with the daunting task of getting our asses kicked but representing a good face to what a mechwarrriors should be. we all know that PGI can't design any good game dynamics. all i will ever ask, is that we do, the best we can. i will never expect our team to the be the best there is... all i will ever expect will be the best we can be. if, you all chose me to take leadership.... then i have to say. that,i will give you the very best of myself . and THAT is what i expect from you. no more. no less. if i am promoted to a leader position. that is what i expect to deliver. but, its also what expect in return.... i will give my best... in attitude. performance. dedication. but, the only thing i could ever expect from anyone is some form of dedication.for me, this means some form of communication as to how you think things should be.i promise to do the best i can, but the majority gets the rule. i am, and will always be a part of you. a teammate, a friend. a fellow mechwarrior. and to me, thats all i will ever need to be. but, if, its come to be, that i need to be more? i will do so for OUR sake. forgive me if some of this post is not clear. im tired and its late. i tried to head to bed early but that didnt happen lol. no matter what you guys decide. i will ALWAYS be here. you guys, the RLG group are a part of my friends, and probably even extend to family in some cases. it may sound strange, but there it is :)
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Re: unit creation

Post by Hammer »

that sounds like a Pirate crew - arrgh! democratically elected leader that can be deposed at any time.

what in the hell were you doing up? I thought you were tired and one for the night! about two hours prior.

BH I feel the same way. we be a bunch of hearty mates that wants nothing but a good time knocking the other guys around or taking a lashing as may be fit. maybe we set our unit up like a pirate crew?
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Re: unit creation

Post by BlackHawk*K »

pirates? hehe would be an interesting idea. all im saying is that ive never been a "my way or the high way" style of leader. i dont really care at this point what we are. if we start getting a lot of other folk joining us and my style isnt what is needed anymore, then i would definitely be more then willing to bow out of the position. hell at this point, the position isnt even really NEEDED. all i am getting at is, im here, im on a lot. i dont seem to have issues making friends in MWO so far LOL. ( unless they leg me or something hehe) and at this point i have the time. if you guys choose too, i have no problem stepping up.

last night sucked dude. not sure what was wrong with me... couldnt sleep. but i have to say, i was not up at 8 am writing that lol. not sure whats up with the time stamp lol.

i woke up today sicker then heck.. with major heartburn to boot... so i think it might be some kind of bug.. but nothing roofing a carport in mid 80's and a nap didnt take care of :P
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Re: unit creation

Post by Hammer »

no, it says 12:37AM. you probably need to set your time zone in your profile in the fourms.

yeah - we probably do not need a leader right now. we are fine, let's just get everyone in the unit and we will deal with ranks and all that crap if/when we need to.
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