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Post by Warcry »

Tach Deneva wrote:
Warcry wrote:i was looking through the guild wars forum to check who plays the game. i don't really know those guys. i can't just ask those guys to let me join their party. :wink:
Of course not! First, you must know the super secret password! Which is 'heyguyswhereareyaandwhatdistrict?' But don't tell anybody, it's super secret!

We generally play in the evenings from around 5 PM until around 11 pm EST, although sometimes Mr Crick and I play earlier, and Buff has been known to keep going until 4 am EST.

If you're not already in a Guild, you're welcome to join ours. We don't have a guild hall, tho, and haven't done any PVP; we just wanted capes.

Last one to Hell's Precipice is a rotten egg!

well, i'm up for joining the guild. i'm getting tired of grouping up with some yahoos online. i play as "Soulless Phoenix" -- currently an E/N17. i had a N/E20 but decided the E/N mix is better for me.
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Post by Tach Deneva »

Cool! I'll send ya a guild invitation next time I'm online. If ya poke around the forums here you'll find how to get on comms (if ya want, it's not absolutely necessary).

I've got a 20th level N/E (finished all the missions) who was an N/R, but the R just wasn't cutting it; also a 20th level Mo/W, 20th level Me/E, and 13th level W/Me (currently in Augury Rock). Names: Arla Raur, Dinn Danor, Mull Foon, and Sara Darlen, respectively.

Cya in Tyria!

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Post by Warcry »

Steel wrote:of course you can ask them!!! don't be silly. most of the folks that play GW are actually ELH.

you might check e-bay to see if you can find any 9 button sidewinders...
to be honest with you getting a replacement joystick to play MW is lowest in my list right now. i have real world things to take care of first like moving to san francisco during the july 4th weekend.
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Post by Falker »

Your moving to San Francisco ! Does that mean that you will change ball teams and start rooting for the Giants ? Take some pictures of the Gay Parades for me will ya. Lots of loons to go around there. But a nice place to be if you have a good job and nothing better to do with your time .

Anyways you sound bumed out. I think TD was talking about Guild Wars and not MW. I know it’s hard to get over … believe me. Also moving can be very stressful. It might take up to 3 months for you to get settled in. Good luck with that bro. If you see Pain , tell him not to post soo much . :wink:

Friend of mine that lives there said he sees some wired stuff going on at the bars / taverns there. No not 976Pain , but some other guy I used to talk to back in the day. Said he saw a highway of people lining up to poke some slut. I guess you’ll be going off line soon. See ya when you get back man . Have a nice trip :)

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Post by Featherhorse »

I'm afraid that since I lost my old job, I haven't been checking the boards like I used to. I'm also afraid I'll have to ask the broadband Gods to take away my cable too, for the same reasons as BH. The household budget got stretched too tight with the new bike, so the whole family is cutting corners. Since I don't even have a puter hooked up at home, wife argued that Broadband could go. I had to give in as I couldn't argue my point as it's been a year and a half since I've dropped. She's giving up the pay channels, so it looks like a tight Christmas for the Cox people.
Oh well, I may not be here regularly, but I'll still be here in spirit.
LOL Espiritus Eridanai Booga Booga!

Well, I'll keep thinking about you guys, and if you think about me every now and then, we might get some psychic connection going and that might be almost as good as comms.

<B> out
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Post by BlackHawk*K »

bummer man sorry to hear it. i know exactly how you feel though. ive had alot of ppl ask me why i both with internet and PC and stuff since im always so damn broke. ive thought about it and its simple realy. the net is my entertainment. playing Games is a good way to get threw the days when your too broke to do anythng else. plus its also my education. meeting different folk from around the world has realy broadened my view of whats out there. just think, without the internet i could be a nice little oregon redneck stuck in a corner believing things which are not true about ppl and things i never talked to or read about. Plus when its time for me to do something new. first thing i do is get online and research it. of course 90% is a bunch of blow hards trying to pretend they know what they are talking about. but thats half the fun. learning what to pay attention to and what not to. so i think, unfortunatly im hooked on the net. if it wasnt for that i would have to re-read all my 100s of sci-fi/fantasy books. and you can only read tolkens so many times :?
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Post by Falker »

I had to give in as I couldn't argue my point as it's been a year and a half since I've dropped.
Err , You mean since I dropped you and you Mech ! :P


What a Putz !

You can always drive down to the local Library and get on line there till things start picking up. At least that way you can drop a wire from time to time.

Sorry about the Job tho. It’s hard trying to find a decent job at our age these days. Most businesses want to hire either younger people or someone that has many years experience in the field ,-- toped off with a bachelors degree of course. My older Brother had to get a new stack of computer books just to keep his job at Earthlink. He’s had other job offerings a few states away , but he’s staying in So Cal so he can still see his two kids. ( he’s divorced ) That’s the thing about computers and today’s times , both are always changing and require us to upgrade our skills in order to change with it. Good luck man. I mean that. I know it’s tough out there. “ Believe me.” So you got to come back here and drop a post at lest once a month or so... Don’t make me come over there. 8)

Meanwhile. I finally got MechWarrior fully installed and have the bugs worked out. I’ll be building a few Mech Configs this next week and ………. Yeah right :o

Gotta Have Faith . They haven’t turned out the Lights Here Yet…. Someday a popular game will come out that will allow us to see each other in combat once again. Someday… Till then , drop by from time to time and shoot the breeze. :wink:

Charlie , See ya when I see ya… :(

aka Kirk
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Post by Warcry »

Falkerrrr wrote:Your moving to San Francisco ! Does that mean that you will change ball teams and start rooting for the Giants ? Take some pictures of the Gay Parades for me will ya. Lots of loons to go around there. But a nice place to be if you have a good job and nothing better to do with your time .

Anyways you sound bumed out. I think TD was talking about Guild Wars and not MW. I know it’s hard to get over … believe me. Also moving can be very stressful. It might take up to 3 months for you to get settled in. Good luck with that bro. If you see Pain , tell him not to post soo much . :wink:

Friend of mine that lives there said he sees some wired stuff going on at the bars / taverns there. No not 976Pain , but some other guy I used to talk to back in the day. Said he saw a highway of people lining up to poke some slut. I guess you’ll be going off line soon. See ya when you get back man . Have a nice trip :)

The Giants don't play for San Francisco! lol And, I think I'll steer clear from the gay parades.

i should have been more specific about where i was going. i'm actually in castro valley across the bay from SF. it's kinda cool. i really needed a change of scenery. i'll start exploring more and more of the area. i visited my bro before when he lived in SF. it's pretty crowded compared to what i'm used to but it's growing on me.

i'll have to see if i can contact 976-pain here. didn't one mechy met up with him here in the Bay Area?

the drive was freakin exhausting. it took me and my brother 3 days. stopped by a few tourist spots along the way.

anyway, i'm done babbling. take care.
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Post by Falker »

It’s Getting crowded all over the place. The planets population just keeps producing all the time.

It was super crowded in So Cal from where I came from. About 20 yeas ago it was a nice place to be…. Now it’s too god damn congested where ever you go. I used to pull out of my old neighborhood and get socked with heavy traffic right off the bat . And driving down to the mall was a traffic nightmare. :x So So many ppl moving to So Cal from all over the place it’s not fun to take a drive any more.

It’s wasn’t the same neighborhood I once grew up in. It was more like Culture Shock . By the time I turned 30 there was so many different cultures from all over America and around the globe that were moving to So Cal , it got to be a bit too foreign for me. Not just the people, it was the way all things were changing. You couldn’t do business on a hand shake anymore or blindly trust others. I’m just not used to that and I felt I’d haft to transform into an Asshole in order to become a part of it. That’s why I left. There has to be a simpler life out there. One where you don’t haft to change your personality to fit in.

Now That I’m in Washington , I get the same story from these guys up here. They said Housing has doubled and people keep coming up here or over here all the time. They mostly blame California residents for changing the comity. Things change. I wish I could slap a couple of these people because their so dense. They cant see the whole picture. I mean , Wake Up Folks ! It’s not just Californians changing the structure of life up here,.. times change , The planet is getting more populated and people either need to go where the work is or find some place to live in peace.

Ok I’m getting bent , so I’ll shut up about that.

Next Topic

San Francisco Giants Ball Team. Yep they exist. I’m personally not much into Baseball myself unless I’m playing it. Plus it’s a rare thing to find a ball player that is there to enjoy baseball all because he like the smell of the grass and the crack of the bat. Too many ball players are there today to try and earn a unheard of amount of $$$ I personally don’t think a sports player should earn so much and that they set a bad example to the rest. Now this thirst quenching is making headway with allot of players who are saying “ Fuk It ! “ I’ll go to another ball team if your not going to pay me more then $ 40 Mil. That’s not good sportsmanship. I don’t route for that type of person because their the scum on the earth that we could do with out and need to do away with . They all send a bad message To the next generation.

I’m more of a football buff myself because. That’s the real meat and potatoes game there. No slacking , -- and everybody puts in a good Team Effort.

Do I sound Drunk ? Sheesh , I just got off work on a Friday night here and started to kick back a couple cold Bud Lights. ( This is my only night to catch a buzz ). I Finally found a good job up here after waiting for weeks on end. I turned down several jobs and was keeping my faith ,.. waiting for a good one. Finally my patients has paid off.

There’s also some Asian girl at store that’s been hitting on me for several weeks. I finally made my move the other day and starting to talk to her more and more now. I guess seeing confidence in other people makes you see confidence in your self. She was Getty and throwing me off a bit , but I put some calm reason into my thoughts and realized that it might not be forever between me and her because she is at least 10 years younger then me and I’m getting old. But it might make us both happy for awhile while it least , so why feel guilty about it. Just let it take it’s course.

Maybe that’s why this is such a long post,.. My heart woke up a bit. Heh :P

Anyway ,…- You know what Warcry. Nobody here knows that we’ve known each other ever sence the Descent Days. ( You’ve always been the person here that I could mouth off to. -- LOL -- ) Back before the MW95 days on M3L. Back when me , you and my brother were flying our asses off through the tunnels and blowing each other up with smart bombs. That was a blast man :)

Catch ya Later

P.S. It was Thor that Pain met up with over there.
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Post by BlackHawk*K »

Painfull lives in crazyfornia.. i at least remember that much :P

speaking of pain, i havnt heard from him. wounder if the email i have is still good or not.. hmm..

Speaking of crowds.. its nut just california and washington thats bad... here in my little nich of eugene oregon its getting bad too. i remember driving to work and it was fine. now its swamped with cell phone talking assholes in USVs with 20" wheels driving like a bat out of hell and glareing at you becuse you DARE to go somewhat close to the speed limit and slow them down.. i know, me bad... i was always on the edge i guess. so thought i would throw in some reckless courtiousness in my driving to piss ppl off :P

i should of been following the thread closer, didnt realize you moved up to Wa falker. hows your bro doing? been awhile since ive heard from him..

just heard from featherhorse recently on yahoo messenger. that was a blast. nice to know were not all dead yet. just grouchy and old now hehe.
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Post by Hammer »

you are just so, errr, ummm, uhh opinionated! ;) relax bro - seems you have realized the world is changing. things are no longer localized for the most part - we are truly becoming global. it will probably be rough for a long time, but humanity may yet pull it together...

don't let 10 years stop you. i am being married on the 20th to a woman 20 years younger than i. you will have to be less, errr, ummm, uhh opinionated though! :) young folks don't take kindly to grouchy, opinionated, old folks...not any more (although that is part of our society's problems - no respect for elders - heh, hardly no respect for others at all).

maybe you and warcry should check out freespace 2 - look in the space combat forums down below - get it for free...
Last edited by Hammer on 30 Jul 2005, 19:37, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by BlackHawk*K »

You know its interesting about the age difference thing. I am 6 years older then my wife. and even though in some ways the age difference does make some dificulties over all its pretty cool. she is into hip hop and other musics that was popular in her age group. of course i tease the hell out of her for it ;) im a conservitive old grouch sometimes. but i always try to put a comical twist on the things i say and i think it helps. it keeps us both smiling and over we realized we DONT have to agree on alot of things. just as long as we respect each other. Both me and my wife had a rough child hood. and becuse of this there has been some major rough spots in our marriage. but one of the most important things ive learned threw all this is that ppl tend to unload old bagage when they are in a safe emotional surroundings. for example, have you ever been in a relationship where everything is going realy well then out of the blue your partner just flips out? for seamingly no reason some terribly important issure arrises and low and behold your stuck in the middle? take it as a compliment that you were able to provide a safe stable emotional setting to allow them to deal with past stuff. i think this attitude has saved my relationship more then once. that and just tell em, you dont know whats going on. how its going to work out, but you will be there all the way. worked for me :P

believe it or not i hit the double digits on july 8th this year... married for 10 years yeesh. time goes fast. sure there been rough spots. but alot of good times tucked in there too. thats what i like to think about.

as to the age thing? seems as we get older it matters less. espeicaly if us 'old' farts know how to have a little fun, have a sence of humor, and can keep up with those 'young thangs'. so falker, just have fun. be there for her, be her friend among other things and let things be what it is. and enjoy every moment. who knows i might see a post like this one in 10 yrs from you?

Congrats steel on getting hitched man :) the 20th of august? thats my Bday lol.
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Post by Warcry »

*** Leans over at BH and whispers... Thats Falker's last beer... ***

Congrats on the job! I'm still looking myself and changing strategies. Cut down on Guild Wars to weekends only! (No self control, it sucks.)

MW95 sure was great fun. I sucked at Descent however. I always got lost. I lose my sense of direction when rotations are introduced that aren't parallel to the ground.

About mouthing off, we all do that so it's all good. Finally, just go with the flow with the girl just as these guys suggested.

And BH, I'm one of those a-holes with SUVs and a cell phone. :P I don't answer my phone while driving as much as possible however. SUVs do come in handy because of the Bay Area landscape and it fits my surfboard inside.
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Post by BlackHawk*K »

unfortunatly im one of those idiots who pulls over to use a cell phone. the main reason is ive had SO many close calls getting rear ended or side swiped . and when i look over to see the person 9 times out of 10 they are on a cell phone. ( the 1 time out of 10 is usualy a gal putting on makeup or a guy reading the paper.)

dont get me wrong i like SUVs. i like the large wheel styles. when i comes to cars i like just about anything :) its the destraction ppl volentaraly put themselves in while driving a 3000 lb. junk of iron,plastic. going at least 55 mph that worries me. and now they are talking about banning smoking while driving!? uhg!! that pisses me off to no end... i smoke while driving and i can tell you that it realy dosnt effect me that much. like chewing bubble gum. the funny thing is, if that law passes. it will be the ONLY one that will be enforced. its easy to see a smoker in a car. just follow the smoke. but i have yet to see a police officer pulling someone over for talking on a cell phone..

anyhow hehe its a gripe with me. lol. ( coudlnt guess that huh? ) i guess its mostly the unfairness of what laws are there. what ppl want to pass and what actualy gets enforced.. i mean i already come close to getting a ticket becuse i smoked within 100 ft of a pulbic building front entrence. but of course thats becuse we all know how EVIL smokers are..
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Hello Gents

Post by Mincemeat »

Just checking in to say Hi and see how my fellow Mech Heads are doing. I still play megamek on Sunday nights @ 9:30ish central time with a small local group of guys. Other than that Life is about the same. Anthony (my son) is almost 20 months old already.... How time flies.

Anyway, I hope to talk with you guys soon

<S> Mince
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Post by BlackHawk*K »

hehe good to hear from ya mince. make sure you post a pic in another 4 months so we can see the progress :P
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Post by Hammer »

Mince! We are still alive here...good to hear from you.

Check in more often. Any interest in the goings on here? Lots of ELH is playing Guild Wars, I know some of WoF and BH have Batllefield 2. Lots of other games going on here to.
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Post by Mooseman »

just reading the thread and a couple of things caught my eye.

On the SUV/cellphone thing, it's now actually illegal in the UK to use a cellphone whilst driving. To use one totally legally, u should be pulled over, with the engine off. If you get caught, then you get a £60 fine, and 3 points on your license (your allowed a max of 12)

SUV's are pretty cool; my dad drives a Ford Explorer which i really like, largely because it's pretty capable off road - we need it to tow our speedboat on the beach. The really big SUV's aren't that common over here, as things like Hummer H2's actually don't fit down some streets. Instead, people who want a large vehicle like that go for what i'd call a proper 'off roader' something like a Land Rover Discovery, or maybe a Range Rover if they've got the money. The ironic thing is that despite getting these hugely capable 4x4's all they really do is go to the supermarket and drop the kids off at school.

Perhaps the coolest car i've heard of over here at the moment is on that Ronin, one of the 151 has. It's a Corvette, but i'm not sure what year. All i know is that the original engine blew up, so he's fitted a NOS'd Nascar engine to it......Bastard!! I keep telling him i'm going to go round there and steal it; just drawing the plans up...any info on corvette immobilisers etc would be appreciated :)
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Post by BlackHawk*K »

yea cell phones are supposed to be illegal to use while driving here too, unless you use a headset. then its ok. but the laws are hardly enforced. i think i know why, it seems alot of ppl conduct buisness while driving around on a cell phone. i realy dont blame them, but the problem is from what ive seen, more times then not, they pay more attention to the cell phone convo then the vehicle they are driving at the time, and thats when it gets dangerous. ive seen a few ppl who are perfectly capable driving a car and talking at the same time on the phone. but then ive seen other so animated in their phonecall they can barley stear their car down the freeway. those ppl scare me lol.

i actualy dont mind SUVs in general. i mainly mentioned it as a sterio type. but it is common around this area.

didnt know about Ronin's vette. would be curious to see the pic. all i realy knew about was his limo :P
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Post by Mooseman »

I've not seen a pic myself mate....all i know is that it's pushing out something like 700 bhp......gotta be talking about lightspeed with that kinda power :)

On the distractions to driving, as well as phones, we have speed cameras, which i think are really dangerous. When ppl know thery're in a speed camera area, they're so busy checking their speed, and looking for the camera, they don't really check where they're going. IMO they're just a way for the government to make more money, not the safety measure they're supposed to be.
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